People who eat too fast have a higher chance of suffering from cardiovascular disease or diabetes, according to a 5-year study conducted by the Department of Cardiology at Hiroshima University, Japan, with more than 1,000 people.

Dr. Takayuki Yamaji, a cardiologist at Hiroshima University in Japan, leader of this study, indicated that there is an actual relationship between eating speed and the incidence of metabolic syndrome.

The study focused on the relationship between eating speed and the incidence of metabolic syndrome, which is the collective name given to five risk factors for serious cardiometabolic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

These five risk factors are high blood pressure, high triglycerides, or the fats found in the blood, high blood sugar, low levels of the “good” cholesterol, and a large waistline.

Participants who eat too fast have a greater chance of developing metabolic syndrome, including being overweight, high blood sugar, high levels of bad cholesterol, and a larger waistline. In short, they have a 11.6% chance of inducing high-risk factors, compared with 2.3% for slow eaters.

You should slow down the eating speed by chewing your food well before you swallow it. If you used to chew like 5-6 seconds a bite, try to chew for longer. In addition, chatting with families and friends while eating can also slow down the eating speed.

So let’s try it out today!