Many of us will choose oatmeal for breakfast because it is quick and easy, and many brands advertise that oatmeal is rich in nutrients and good for health.

However, it turns out that “nutrient-rich and good for health” is only part of the truth. Oats are not that perfect, so today let’s learn the PROS and CONS of oats.


Oatmeal has a low glycemic index, your blood sugar will not spike after eating, and it contains medium to high fiber, which can help maintaining blood sugar levels;

The soluble fiber content can lower cholesterol and benefit cardiovascular health;

Oatmeal can make you feel full longer and is a good source of long-term energy.


Oatmeal itself tastes flat, and many people will add sugar to it, which will cause blood sugar to rise;

If you suffer from gastroparesis, that is, the peristaltic function of the stomach is deteriorated, oatmeal may make it worse, causing discomfort such as vomiting; the emptying speed of the stomach will slow down, which will affect the intestines and even the entire digestive system.

If you choose oatmeal for breakfast, you may wish to add cinnamon, nuts or berries to replace sugar with natural flavor and nutrition. In addition, you should also use low-fat nut milk or water to cook, so that you can eat healthier!