Which Would You Choose? Juice or Soda?

Normally we would consider juice is way healthier than soda. But there is evidence suggesting that juices are not that healthy as we used to think.

They are both HIGH in sugar

Drinking soda may increase the risk of disease in an addictive way. The more soda you consume, the higher the risk of disease.

Fruit juice meanwhile, also consists of around 20-26 grams of sugar per 240ml, the same amount as the soda. However, drinking 150ml (5oz) a day may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

They both may lead to WEIGHT gain

Since both juice and soda are rich in calories and sugar, they may lead to weight gain. Some experts believe that drinking calories rather than eating them, may increase your risk of weight gain. But that only applies to excessive consumption. Most people won’t experience a spike on their weight if only drinking small amounts of those sugary beverages.

100% fruit juice contains vitamins, minerals, and many others beneficial nutrients that can boost your health. Like improve the immunity and brain function to lower inflammation, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels.

So when consumed in an appropriate amount, juice is still the wiser choice!