Did you know PAPAYA is an excellent fruit for diabetics?

Although the glycemic index of papaya is medium (60), it has huge potential benefits which makes it an excellent fruit for diabetics to consume. This is because the glycemic load of papaya is only 6.4 for 1 cup of papaya (150 grams) which falls under low glycemic load range fruit.

One medium papaya contains about,

*4.7 grams of fiber

*120 calories

*30 grams of carbohydrate

*2 grams of protein

*and provides 224% of your daily need of vitamin C

Type 2 diabetes who consume a diet high in fiber had lower blood sugar, improved insulin and lipid levels, while type 1 diabetes who consumed a diet high in fiber also had lower blood glucose levels, according to various studies.

So ACT NOW! Go get some papaya today!