Check your blood sugar before and after exercise, this will let you know how it helps to improve your blood sugar management.

You’ll feel more motivated when you see how your body responds differently to different types, time and intensity of exercises.

The effect may reflect on the blood sugar levels, the cardiorespiratory function, or the muscular endurance.

You will be inspired by the result, that encourages you to be more motivated.

Also, bring along some candies or juice in case blood sugar plunges while doing exercise.

Lowsutea is all natural ingredients sugar cleansing tea that may assist in stabilizing blood sugar.

Functions include

  • Maintain better blood sugar
  • Postpone prediabetic conversion
  • Delay the onset of diabetic complications
  • Lower LDL cholesterol and detox

Drink a cup of 250ml Lowsutea before and after each meal to help stabilizing blood sugar, preventing from spike suddenly.

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