Pre-diabetic and diabetes clients need to lose weight to better control their blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure.

Losing 10% of your body weight may drop 1% of A1C.

You can lose a lot of weight in the early stages without much effort, but weight loss starts to slow down and you are no longer losing weight.

This webinar gives you all the action tips to breakthrough stagnant weight loss and get losing weight going again.

Watch now: 20 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Lowsutea is all natural ingredients sugar cleansing tea that may assist in stabilizing blood sugar.

Functions include

  • Maintain better blood sugar
  • Postpone prediabetic conversion
  • Delay the onset of diabetic complications
  • Lower LDL cholesterol and detox

Drink a cup of 250ml Lowsutea before and after each meal to help stabilizing blood sugar, preventing from spike suddenly.

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